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May Newsletter

Training Day

On the 12th June (Next Wednesday) we will be having our second team day of the year and would like to invite any parents or carers free to join us.

From 1 until 4 in the afternoon we are going to be joined by Dean Beadle, a world renowned speaker on living on the autism spectrum. Dean was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome at a young age and has delivered presentations on the subject all over the world. Deans style is wonderfully unique and offers a fascinating and often highly amusing insight into autism. Dean's website can be found here and a sneak preview of one of his talks can be watched here.

We strongly urge anyone with an interest in autism or disability to try to make the time to attend this session. The training session will be held at the Salvation Army hall just across the road from Crocus Fields.

Once again, we apologise that this training session is scheduled for regular office hours. A number of you have got in touch and asked that we hold these sessions outside of office hours to allow those of you who work to attend. Sadly this just is not possible due to the nature of our service. As with this event, we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible for all future guest speakers to allow you greater chance to book time off work.

Parents Group

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our first parents support group last month. This is something that we have tried to set up in the past but were unable to attract enough families in order for it to be sustainable.

The latest meeting was a big success and a number of parents turned up to support each other and help Crocus Fields grow as a service. A big thank you to Lucy Hall for setting this up and to everyone who attended. The next meeting is on the 15th June from 10.30 until 12.

Holidays Galore

A big thank you goes out to Amanda, Brenda, Calum and Emma W for organising two great holidays over the half term break.

Amanda and Brenda took Jade and another young person to Mablethorpe for the weekend where they had a fantastic time in the arcades and on the beach. Jade and the other young person came back brimming with excitement and tales from the weekend and it was clear how much fun had been had by all. A huge thank you goes out to Brenda and Amanda for organising this trip.

Over the same weekend, Calum and Emma took Jamie, Vicki and Kieron to Louth for the weekend. They had the worlds coldest outdoor swimming pool that was very bravely tested out by Jamie as well as exploring the coastal town and visiting the arcades and fairgrounds. A big thank you goes out to Calum and Emma for arranging this holiday.

Research Project

As part of completing his autism masters course at Birmingham University, Pete is hoping to write his dissertation on fathers of children with autism.

This is an area of research where there is a significant gap in the literature and he is looking to discuss with Dad's their experience of having a child with autism and their journey through services and education.

If any fathers out there would be interested in taking part in this research, Pete kindly asks that you get in touch with him at Crocus Fields. The project is likely to start in September. The finer details will be sent out to you all in due course.



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