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May Newsletter

As most of us probably have, you may have been inundated recently with a flummox of emails from various companies in a last minute scramble to become GRPR compliant.

You may have noticed a reduction in our round robin e-mails or text messages to parents to keep them informed of what is going on. This is because we are currently taking advice as to how we can ensure we are keeping with the law to the letter. You may receive a consent form through the post to say that you are happy for Crocus Fields to keep in contact with you via email or text or phone. It's really important that you fill this in, as it means that we will be able to keep you posted on all things Crocus (if of course you want us to!).

We will also be looking to update our email lists, and looking to ensure we have all of the necessary permission slips so that we can upload as many photos to our website as possible. I know that there has been a big reduction in the number of photos we have uploaded recently and we apologise for this. But we need to make doubly sure we are complying with all the proper protocols.

Crocus Fest 2018!

Friday 17th August 3-6PM

After the huge success that was our inaugural Crocus-Fest last summer, we are planning another event this summer for all of the young people and their families! Crocus Fields will be shut for the night but we are going to hold a big party/event in Unit 1 garden from 3-6pm.

There will be food, music, face painting, games, the pod will be open and operational, a raffle and a thoroughly nice time had by all. Everyone is welcome so please don't be shy, feel free to bring along family and friends. It is important to point out however that any children brought to the event will be the responsibility of the adults who attend. There will be lots of staff on site but we are not able to keep an eye on everyone! The garden will be secure though so you can sit down, have a snack and a drink and relax.

The event is completely free. We are hoping it will be an opportunity for you to meet any of the staff you have not met before as well as other young people and their families.

We hope to see you there. If anyone has any questions about Crocus Fest, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at any point.

"You say goodbye, and I say hello......."

Dan Berridge who was covering Andy Hodkin's Assistant Unit Manager position whilst he was travelling and galavanting around the world has left his position ready for Andy to return.

Dan very quickly fitted into the Crocus Fields world and adapted well. He organised some fantastic things for the young people during his time here including our family fun day at Nottingham Forest, visits to Crocus Fields from Nott's County players and really helped further embed the service within the local community. We would like to wish him the very best of luck in his new job in Derby and hope to see him soon. Dan has decided to stay on our relief register and continue to pick up casual shifts so you may still see or hear from him from time to time. Thanks again to Dan for everything he did during his time with us.

Which means of course that we are welcoming back Andy Hodkin to the team after a nine month haiatus.

Andy has been travelling around India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand before a quick trip to the USA to visit New York. Andy is very excited about returning to Crocus Fields and seeing everyone again. During Andy's travels he spent some time volunteering in a residential unit for adults with disabilities in India and we are hoping to help out the home in various ways throughout the next year (saldy we can't fly anyone out there though!)

And finally we welcome our newest member to the team in Lucy Jones. Lucy joined the team last month and her profile is now available for you to view via the "meet the team page".

Lucy joins the team with a great deal of experience and enthusiasm! You will no doubt see her before too long.

Parents Group Meetings Scheduled

We have three parents groups scheduled over the coming months. Everyone is welcome to these events. You can contribute as much, or as little as you like. If you would like to use the time just to listen to other parents and take some advice or ideas that is fine. There is fresh coffee, biscuits, cakes etc. available to all who attend. If you have any burning questions that you don't wish to ask in the group forum, feel free to ask the group leader (Usually Lucy) whether you can talk to them afterwards. The group is for you as parents and carers and we can bed by you.

Firstly on Thursday 7th June between 10.30 and 12 is our regular "open discussion" group. There is no specific theme to this group and is very much participant led.

On Thursday 12th July between 10.30 and 12 we have a drop in session organised with Rachel (a speech and language therapist) to answer questions. We will also be holding a "what's on for kids" discussion for the summer months.

Finally on the 6th September we have another "open discussion group" between 10.30 and 12.

Pub Quiz Night

We are also planning on holding a pub quiz at the embankment pub on Wednesday the 12th June from 6pm. The quiz is to help raise money for us to build a sensory garden for the unit. The quiz will cost £2 per player. We hope to see you there!



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