Hi all, welcome to Junes news letter.
I hope you are all well and continuing to stay positive during these challenging times. Guidance on how to stay safe during Covid -19 changes daily and here at Crocus Fields we are all working hard to support you from your homes. We are very much looking forward to welcoming the children back to Crocus Fields. We do not as yet have an opening date but we will continue to communicate any changes with you all.
Here at Crocus Fields we are busy behind the scenes preparing for when we can safely reopen. We have been using the lock down time to safely freshen up the unit. We have four brand new shiny bathrooms on unit 1, and several of our bedrooms on unit 2 are being redecorated. We hope the young people will enjoy the redecoration.
We are regulatory updating this website as a tool to communicate with you and your young people. We are continuing our weekly welfare calls and Lucy is emailing out regularly. If you are not receiving our emails please email lucy.hall@nottinghamcity.gov.uk and Lucy will add you to the mailing list. We also continue to hold our monthly parents an carers group via teams. This is a great opportunity to get support and advise from professionals but more importantly speak to other parents in a similar situation to you. This is a great group to be part of and we welcome everyone.
Take care and i hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather.
Crocus Fields Team x