On behalf of everyone at Crocus Fields we would like to wish you all a very happy New Year for 2019! We hope that your Christmas was merry and you enjoyed the turn of the year in style!
In the last newsletter we let you all know that we had undergone our annual two day Ofsted inspection in December. I thanked everyone for their input into the inspection and informed you that we would be advertising the result to you all in due course once it had been through quality assurance processes.
These inspections are vitally important for all residential units and award each home a judgement of "Outstanding", "Good", "Requires Improvement to be Good" or "Inadequate".
Crocus Fields has been judged as being an Outstanding home for children and young people every year since 2014 and we are delighted to tell you that we maintained this judgement for a fourth consecutive year. The inspection looks at how each residential unit performs across three domains. These being: "Overall Experiences and Progress of Children and Young people", "How Well Children and Young People are Protected" and "The Effectiveness of Leaders and Managers". Crocus Fields was judged to be Outstanding in all three inspection areas.
Whilst we are extremely proud of this result we are always keen to continuously improve and develop the service for those who access it. We therefore encourage all parents with any development suggestions to get in touch with us so we can make sure Crocus Fields continues to be such a brilliant place to work and come for your short break!
If anyone would like to read the report it is available on the Ofsted website, as well as via our own website or by clicking on this link.
Website Changes
Take a peek at our new staff profiles on the website. The page has recently been updated to add some new faces and to also tidy up the site a bit making it easier to find staff (it's all in alphabetical order now). This (we hope) will allow you to go through the staff profiles with your son/daughter and ask them to show you who they saw during their last stay.
We will also be updating the children's guide within the next month with an interactive theme, so watch this space.
We will also be adding a calendar to the website so you can see what is on at Crocus Fields over the course of the year and plan ahead!
Parents + Carers Group
Our next parents group is scheduled for Thursday 14th February.
Everyone is welcome at this event, whether you are a parent, foster carer, grandparent, auntie, uncle or sibling. Coffee, tea and cake is provided and the group is parent led, discussing what the group wish to focus on in any one month.
Please feel free to come along to this group. If anyone would like any further information we ask that they contact lucy.hall@nottinghamcity.gov.uk.